
Pennovation Center member Philly Unlimited wins Best Idea at Innovation Weekend!

Pennovation Five Year Anniversary
2021 marks the fifth anniversary of Pennovation Works, the University’s business incubator and laboratory space. Here we take a look at highlights from its research, commercialization, and community activity and celebrate the evolution of the site over the last five years.

Pennovation Lab
The Pennovation Lab is open for business! The 65,000 SF scientifically-advanced building of customizable wet/dry lab or office space suites with 2,000-12,000 SF modules. For more information, visit (Photo credits: MRA, Halkin Mason Photography).

...Training Dogs to Sniff Out COVID-19...
Since June 2020, Cynthia Otto and a team of trainers and researchers have been working to train dogs to be able to detect a smell unique to COVID-19 at a facility in Greencastle, Pa.

2020 Pennovation Accelerator Pitch Day
On July 16, 2020, the Pennovation Accelerator held their virtual Pitch Day, the culminating event for the six-week program focused on the makings of a strong pitch.

Drone Light Show Thanking Healthcare and Essential Workers
This drone light show was flown as a tribute to medical staff and essential workers on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic on April 28th at the University of Pennsylvania by Verge Aero.

2019 Year in Pictures
Take a look back at a sampling of snapshots that shaped another exceptional year in this ecosystem of innovation, where ideas go to work.

Smart Aviary Poised to Break New Ground in Behavioral Research
A collaboration that has brought together biologists, engineers, and physicists from Penn centers to study the reproductive behavior of birds using machine learning in a custom-built aviary at Pennovation Works.

Founded on an ecosystem of innovation
Penn was built on the concept of innovation. “If it’s new, novel and holds promise to change the world,” says President Amy Gutmann, “you’ll find it at Penn.”

Good Morning America Features Cancer-sniffing Dog
Penn Vet's Working Dog Center was featured on Good Morning America, describing the cancer detection program.

2018 Year in Pictures
True to vision and just two years from the grand opening, Pennovation Works has emerged as a sought-after hub for innovation and industry.

Johnson & Johnson Innovation, JLABS launched JPOD @ Philadelphia in collaboration with Penn to accelerate healthcare innovation and commercialization in Philadelphia and beyond.

Growing Greater Philadelphia "The Start of Pennovation"
Craig Carnaroli, EVP and CFO at Penn, describes how the Pennovation Center got its start in...

Growing Greater Philadelphia: Innovation and Collaboration
The Pennovation Center is featured in the December 5, 2017 episode of 'Growing Greater Philadelphia: Innovation and Collaboration." (View at 04:00 in this...

Transforming the Lower Schuylkill
The Lower Schuylkill was identified as a prime location to meet this critical need, and a subsequent planning process resulted in a blueprint for revitalization aimed at attracting a diverse array of new and growing businesses.

Pennovation First Annual Community Concert
On September 8th, Pennovation opened its Plaza for the first time with a Pennovation Works Community Concert.

Celebrating Five Years of Working Dogs at Penn
September 2017 marks five years since the opening of Penn Vet's Working Dog Center.

History of Innovation
The site at 34th and Grays Ferry has been an incubator for industry and innovation in the Philadelphia area for more than 200 years.

That’s One Smart Drone
Look for Dr. Vijay Kumar’s group @Penn in an episode of Breakthrough, a scientific documentary TV series on the National Geographic Channel.

PA Proud Features Governor's Visit to Pennovation
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf toured the Pennovation Center, met our Innovators and learned more about the great minds at Penn.

Penn Celebrates Grand Opening at Pennovation Center
University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann, joined by David L. Cohen, chair of Penn’s Board of Trustees, and with the assistance of a four-legged robot “Minitaur,” cut the ribbon on the new Pennovation Center, the University’s new hub for innovation and new business ventures.

Growing Greater Philadelphia: Innovation and Job Creation
The Pennovation Center is featured in the December 13, 2016 episode of 'Growing Greater Philadelphia." (View at 07:18 of this video.)

Pennovation Center Grand Opening
At the Center’s ribbon cutting ceremony on October 28, Penn President Amy Gutmann officially launches the opening of the Pennovation Center, an iconic new landmark for Penn’s innovation ecosystem.

Delivering Medicine Through Lettuce, World Altering Medical Advancements
A state-of-the art greenhouse grows plants that will deliver drugs and vaccines to treat diseases.

Penn Vet Working Dog Center Celebrates One Year Anniversary
At the Center’s one-year anniversary and working dog graduation ceremony, the dogs moved with newfound confidence and purpose.

Penn Center for Innovation: Impact for Penn, Philadelphia and Beyond
The University's new tech transfer initiative, the Penn Center for Innovation, streamlines efforts to bring fundamental discoveries out of the lab and into the marketplace.

A Celebration of Innovation at Penn
The Penn community showcased the innovation ecosystem on campus and at the growing Pennovation Works which included a ceremonial groundbreaking of the Pennovation Center.

Quadrotors are ‘Amazing in Motion’
Lexus and KMel Robotics describe the technology that made this film possible where playful quadrotors explore the city at night.

Growing Ideas
Innovation and impact are at the heart of Penn Compact 2020, President Amy Gutmann's strategic vision for the university.

Robots that fly ... and cooperate
Vijay Kumar and his team build flying quadrotors, small, agile robots that swarm, sense each other, and form ad hoc teams -- for construction, surveying disasters and far more.

A day in the life of a service dog-in-training
At the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, service dogs go through a rigorous training course.

The 2014 David and Lyn Silfen University Forum
On Friday, October 31, more than 750 of the Penn community, as well as members of the region’s business and tech segments attended the “Celebration of Innovation at Penn,” showcasing Pennovation Works, a hub for innovation and new business ventures.