Opertech Bio announces publication of new research article

Opertech Bio announced the publication of their new research article, “Sodium-dependent glucose co-transport proteins (SGLTs) are not involved in human glucose taste detection," published in the November 18, 2024 issue of the peer-reviewed journal PLOS ONE.

It has been well established that sweeteners impart their taste by activating the TAS1R2/TAS1R3 “sweet taste receptor” in the tongue. A second signaling pathway involving the activity of glucose transporters, operating independently of the receptor, recently has been proposed for metabolizable caloric sweeteners. Opertech's TāStation® rapid throughput taste evaluation system was used to resolve a central question about sweet taste perception.

“This Opertech-led research showcases TāStation®'s ability to tackle complex scientific problems with real-world commercial relevance.” said R. Kyle Palmer, Opertech’s Chief Science Officer and lead author on the paper.

Read the full article. 

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